
Our Services

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Marketing Strategy

The best way to start your company’s marketing operation is by designing a strategy that makes sense for your product or service and your target market’s preferences. Creating bulletproof marketing strategies is our bread and butter.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important marketing channels for your brand’s discoverability and the long-term success of your business. The old adage goes, “if they can’t find you on Google, you don’t exist…”

Paid Media

Paid media, as we define it, includes not only digital advertising, but also paid media placements like PR or public figure advertising. Leveraging the suitable paid media platforms based on where an audience is active is a zero Ω specialty.

Social Marketing

Your brand’s voice deserves to be heard and thanks to social networks, you can reach audience members by the millions. zero Ω has extensive experience managing social profiles on X, Meta, TikTok, & Farcaster – including finessing those algorithms we all love/hate.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing can be one of the most effective marketing channels when managed correctly. Web3 key opinion leaders (KOLs) are capable of attracting new audience members to your brand and starting a social movement that makes waves for your company!

Content Production

Photo, video, graphic design and animation, and written media is a cornerstone for running a successful marketing operation. Taking raw media and turning it into ready-to-digest content is key to maximizing reach and conversion events.

Email Marketing

As an owned marketing channel, email can be an incredibly powerful way to connect with, educate, & engage your most loyal audience members. Our team of specialists prioritizes subscriber list growth, sequence optimization, and stellar campaign design.

Website and App Development

zero Ω has a robust and nimble development team that works hand-in-hand with our design creatives to produce high caliber websites with a focus on UI/UX and conversion optimization. Our web3 site developers can also integrate common blockchain tools for your website.